Ngalim Eugine Nyuydine is a Cameroonian and earns an MA in the History of International Relations from the University of Yaounde I, Cameroon. He has undertaken uncountable courses and programs in diverse fields of development, leadership, human rights, peace building, violence against women, youth and adolescent and arms issues. In 1999, he founded the Cameroon Youths and Students Forum for Peace (CAMYOSFOP) to promote the role of youths as peace-builders. In 2004, he spearheaded the creation of the African Youth Forum for Peace (AYFP) launched on December 1, 2008. It should be noted that one of CAMYOSFOP core programs is peace education that include human rights and citizenship education. As such, since 2001 CAMYOSFOP has been working with primary, secondary and Higher education institutes in the promotion of human rights and as such has already created Human Rights clubs in 20 secondary schools. For details of CAMYOSFOP, log on:
In June 2004, he was appointed as the UN Youth Spokesperson for Africa 2015 MDGs campaign for Cameroon. Right up to 2015 no one replaced Ngalim in this position and as such he was part of every process on the MDGs in Cameroon, Africa and at the global level. In 2013 CAMYOSFOP under his leadership was invited by UNDP amongst 3 other CSOs to organize 4 sub national consultations within Cameroon on Cameroonians priorities on the Post 2015 Development Agenda. In 2014, he and CAMYOSFOP were again invited by UNDP to organize two sub national consultations on the contextualization and localization of the SDGs in Cameroon. In December 2016, he was part of the Experts that adopted Cameroon’s indicators on the contextualization of the SDGs. He is part of a CSO platform that has taken the contextualization of the SDGs forward by organizing a series of regional consultations already in Cameroon on the contextualization of the SDGs. He represented the Civil Society Partnership for Development Effectiveness (CPDE) and the Cameroon Platform on the SDGs in the High Level Political Forum (HLPF) on the SDGs held in New York from July 10 – 19, 2017.
In August 2005, Ngalim was a laureate of the King Mohammed VI and UN Continental Award on Youth led MDGs related projects. His winning project was on the Campaign against War Toys, Firecrackers and Violent Films within the youth milieu in Cameroon. His contributions to the civil society and youth development in Cameroon was recognized by a Presidential appointment as a member of the National Commission on Human Rights and Freedoms (NCHRF) on September 6th, 2006. He remained the youngest member of the NCHRF and off course one of the youngest Cameroonians to have been appointed by a Presidential Decree. In 2007, he was invited by the US Department of State to participate in the International Visitor’s Leadership Program (IVLP) on Youth Leadership that took him to five US States. In 2008, he was awarded the Desmond Tutu Fellowship that took him to Mont Fleur, Cape Town and the Said Business School, Oxford for leadership trainings by the Africa Leadership Institute that qualified him as a Fellow of Archbishop Desmond Tutu. In 2010 he became the pioneer Secretary General of the newly created Central Africa Action Network on Small Arms (RASALAC). In 2012 he was appointed as member of the Civil Society Advisory Group for UN Women Cameroon.
Ngalim’s work has also been around Development Effectiveness and as such, since 2008 he is the Deputy National coordinator of the Global Social Economic Group (GSEG) for Cameroon. In 2012, he became one of the founding members of the national chapter of Civil Society Partnership for Development Effectiveness (CPDE). In 2013, he joins the CPDE Working Group on the Post 2015 Agenda and in 2014 he was one of the founding members and coordinating team of the CPDE Youth sector. Ngalim was part of the team that organized the Youth Forum during the 2nd High Level Meeting (HLM2) on Development Effectiveness held in Nairobi in November 2016. Ngalim has edited and published the following policy papers under CAMYOSFOP: Youth Unemployment and Migration: Reform the Policy; Agriculture and Vocational Training as gateway to youth employment; Education Sector Reforms for Youth Employment
At the continental level, in December 2014 he was elected as Cameroon’s representative of the 2nd African Union Economic, Social and Cultural Council (ECOSOCC) General Assembly and in March 2015 he was again elected as the Chairperson of the Peace and Security Cluster of ECOSOCC.
For further contacts:
NGALIM Eugine Nyuydine
Tel: +237677329361
Email: [email protected] / [email protected]
Skype: ngalim.eugene.n Twitter. Ngalim Eugine Nyuydine