↳ Teacher 1) Go to the Belouga website https://belouga.org 2) Click on the “Sign Up” button in the top right corner 3) A sign up window will pop up, select the “Teacher” and click “Next” 4) Enter your school name and location and click “Next” once all of the fields are entered 5) Enter your information to create a username and click “Finish” once all of the fields are entered 6) You will receive an email notification confirming your registration and can log into your Belouga profile immediately following this Once logged in you will be guided on initial steps to take to begin creating your class profile, selecting your class image and have your students join you on Belouga. Make sure to remember the images you select to represent your class and share these images with your students, as they will need it to complete their own registration process. Students are paired directly with your class during their registration process. Before connecting with other classes on Belouga, you will need to have at least five (5) students registered under your class profile. Once accomplished, your classroom will appear on the “Discover Classes” map and you can begin connecting and collaborating with classrooms around the world.
↳ Student 1) Go to the Belouga website https://belouga.org 2) Click on the “Sign Up” button in the top right corner 3) A sign up window will pop up, select the “Student” and click “Next” 4) Enter your school name and location and click “Next” once all of the fields are entered 5) Enter your information to create a username and click “Finish” once all of the fields are entered 6) You will see a registration confirmation appear on the screen and can log into your Belouga profile immediately following this 7) Once logged in you will need to select your teachers name, select what class you are in and then select the two images associated with your class. Once completed select “Register to Classroom” 8) Once completed you can begin creating your Belouga profile by selecting the “Profile Questions” or begin interacting with newsfeed posts