The preparations for hosting Dr. Marek Wosiński and Bipin Panday from Nepal took more than half a year. Eventually, it turned out, that all the plans were implemented, and meetings with different people and institutions will bear fruits for the future.
The presence of Bipin Panday was extremely valuable, because young people, especially children and teenagers, could meet a person from the country, for which they collected money for. He found himself perfectly in Polish environment, and spoke about the situation of people in Nepal and the meaning of the Sister School Project in an interesting and captivating way. We admired his fluent command of English, especially because not all the young people in Poland can speak so well.
Bipin has found many great friends here, and it was difficult for young Poles to part with him. High school students from Rawa Mazowiecka say, that this contact has changed their way of thinking about helping others, the needs of people living in other countries and interested them in Nepaleseculture. The youth and adults form Warsaw who participated in the meeting with Dr. Marek and Bipin share this point of view.
Rawa Mazowiecka On the 7th of May the first meeting with the community of Rawa Mazowiecka took place in the local church, and was organized by the parish priest Rev. KonradŚwistak. Dr. Marek gave a lecture on sustainable development goals and the Sister Schools Project. Bipin told the gathered about his life in a small Nepalese village, and about the school supported by the young residents of Rawa Mazowiecka. The next day, two similar meetings took place. This time with the students of the Catholic Public High School, and youth from various schools from Rawa Mazowiecka. The young people were delighted to take part in the lecture. They were listening carefully and eagerly answering questions asked by Dr. Marek. This meeting encouraged them to take further actions to help people in need.
Warszawa We met with children and teenagers in the Primary School No. 267 in Warsaw. Few students and teachers from the Catholic Public High School from Rawa Mazowiecka also participated, as well as the representatives of the Primary School No. 67 from Warsaw. The children from class 4F from this school donated 300 Polish zloty (approximately $100) to support school in Nepal represented by Bipin. Later wevisited the Environmental Mental Health Center for children and youth in Warsaw Bielany and met with Mr. Tomasz Rowiński, the director of the center. Then we visited the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University, where we talked with Rev. Dr. Ryszard Czekalski, Vice-Rector responsible for international relations. We discussed collaboration with GNSD in the area of peace education. On the same day I had the pleasure to facilitate a meeting during which Dr. Marek Wosiński gave a lecture on the topic “How to be happy in the communities we must live in.” The meeting was held under the auspices of the Institute of Psychology of the CSWU and the Association of Polish Journalists. Although the topic was not directly related to GNSD mission, the lecture attracted over one hundred people and several hundred watched it online (here is the link to the recording ). The next day, Dr. Marek and myself were asked to speak as experts on the well-known and respected TV program “The Survivors” (program No. 1 of the Polish Public Television.) Bipin accompanied us to the backstage, watching patiently a two-hour-long professional recording (here is the lint to the program). A day later, on the 11th of May, we took part in the recording of a two-hour-long broadcast on Radio Plus, entitled “Can a richman really understand a poor man?” Bipin claimed, that he thinks it is impossible, because the rich has not the same experience the poor person has (here is the link to the broadcast.) At the end of the day we met with Ms. Regina Bisikiewicz, the representative of the international foundation "Open Dialog", who invited us to the international congress of this organization, which will take place at the end of August 2019 in Warsaw.
Final Reflections
As you may see, the week of work in Poland dedicated to the ideas represented by GNSD was very intense. One of its results is an article I wrote for the opinion forming weekly ‚Sieci’. In the article I describe the actions and reactions of young people to the idea of Polish-Nepalese Sisters Schools. The text is expected to be published this month. I have no doubt that each of the meetings described above will benefit in the right time. The greatest joy was the opportunity to meet people from around the world, who think and feel the same way, and want to act for the right cause. The Polish partners of GNSD are ready for further cooperation, as well as to organizing nationwide conference on Sister Schools that we plan to have in 2020, with the support of the City Mayor in Rawa Mazowiecka.
(This report was written by Dr. Mira Jankowska, Member of GNSD Adviory Committee)