November 28, 2017 (USA) We are excited in participation of a visit of Megan McDermott and Alissa Heyer, graduate students at the School of Social Work at ASU, who are coming in few days to stay in Nepal for one month. Their task will be to assess the need of new created Peace Clubs, help students to design plan of work, as well as coordinate their collaboration with two clubs recently created in Phoenix. Presidents of these clubs (Mathilde Rispoli and Marcus Wolf) are also coming to Nepal in January. They will participate in the Global Youth Peace Conference, and visit Peace Clubs in Kathmandu and Hetauda.
November 20, 2017 (USA) We have two new Sustainability Clubs for Peace in Phoenix: at the Arizona School of ARTS and at Sunnyslope High School :)
November 16, 2017 (India) Press coverage of our Parliament Session published by Parichal Times in India :) On the photo from the left to right: Mr. Hayat Amiree, Moderator of the Session, Ms. Ivana Busljeta (Director of Education , Non-Violence Foundation), and Mr. Blaise Oberson (CEO, Non-Violence Foundation), and myself.
November 16,2017 (India) My Indian friends: If you ever had any doubts whether you have in India enough of candidates for leaders who will make the world a better place, please listen to this interview with Vansh Ralli, participant of the Youth Peace Parliament.
November 16,2017 (India) The second event organized by Birendra and Non-Violence Project India was Youth Peace Parliament 2017, during which the Non Violence Project India was officially launched. The Parliament session with participation about 300 students and numerous teachers, was facilitated by the powerful panel: Augustine Veliath ( Chairperson Non-Violence Project India), Blaise Oberson,(CEO , Non-violence Project Foundation), Swami Satchidanandan Achrya Guru, (Navshrusthi International Trust), Dr.Karan Singh (Member of Parliament and Chairperson of Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Peace and Sustainable Development), Dr.Madan Mohan Goel, (Director, of the Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development), Dr.Marek Wosinski, (President of the Global Network for Sustainable Development), and Ivana Bushljeta (Director Global Education, Non-Violence Project Foundation.) The spirit of the event and excitement with which young people got involved in the discussion about peace education were extraordinary
November 12 ,2017 (India) Another step forward made by the Global Network for Sustainable Development (GNSD) and its partners: Non-Violence Project India, Non- Violence Project Foundation Switzerland, and Mahatma Gandhi Shodh Sansthan. Birendra Kumar, Country Director of Non Violence Project India and Vice President of GNSD organized recently two events in Delhi, India. The first one was National Train the Trainers workshop put together in collaboration with Non-Violence India About 20 activists representing various districts of India participated in this training facilitated by Ivana Buslieta, Director of Global Education at the Non-Violence Foundation. I do not remember I have ever met a facilitator so knowledgeable, open minded, communicative, and easy going. Congratulations Ivana, Birendra, and Non-Violence Foundation :)
November 11,2017 (India) On November 11th , 2017 we visited Our Lady of The Rosary Higher Secondary School for girls only in Goa. The mission of the school is to develop young girls with the active and creative mind, with the sense of understanding and compassion for others, so that they can achieve intellectual, moral, social, and emotional goals. First we discussed the Global Network for Sustainable Development with the Principal Sr. Janet Almeida, and the teacher of economics. Dr Marek Wosinski, President of GNS, and Bibesh Manandhar, Regional Coordinator for Nepal,presented the mission of the network, to 400 girls and invited them of its to its members. As the students already have some clubs in their school which are focusing on education and peace, they welcomed the invitation. Bibesh presented a short concert that was received with enthusiasm. The meeting ended with all participants waving hands and singing “We love SDG’s."
November 11,2017 (India) In our attempt to create new Sustainability Clubs for Peace we visited Don Bosco Higher Secondary School located in the Centre of Panjim, Goa. It offers Arts/Commerce/Science courses for students appearing for Higher Secondary Board Examination. The school has modern facilities, as well as faculty rich in talent and experience. The students are encouraged to look beyond the walls of the classroom, and develop a holistic perspective of life. School’s mission is to enable students to discover their inner selves, to become lifelong learners, and to acquire value based leadership skills. We met with Fr. Savio Gomez, Principal of the School, who introduced us to the teacher being in charge of ecological club. We presented the structure and mission of GNSD to the group of 20 members of this club. This will be our first Sustainability Club for Peace in Goa
November 8, 2017 (India) On November 8th, 2017 I visited the Rotary Club of Panaji, the first club chartered in Goa. I had an opportunity to present the mission of the Global Network for Sustainable Development, and invite members of the club to mentor Sustainability and Peace Clubs that will be created in Goa. As the mission of the Clubs is focusing on education and peace, the participants welcomed the invitation. Rtn. Kishore Dhume, President of the Club and Rtn. Nester Sequeira, Director of International Service discussed with us the next steps we need to take to develop a partnership.